
In my screenwriting work, I like to explore themes relating to memory, perception, and possibilities. The genres I touch are drama, comedy, science-fiction, and horror. Currently working on a couple of feature film scripts yet to be finished. Looking for representation!

I’m in a yet to be announced science-fiction screenwriting lab, mentored by screenwriter in the industry. In the lab, we develop our pilot script for a series.

My logline: A Buddhist martial monk-in-training discovers a path between multiverses after discovering a hidden chamber of his temple. Seeing this, he embarks on a dangerous journey to fast-track his progress towards Enlightenment.

I’m part of the writing collective, Writers In Trees, with the guidance of Ann Y.K. Choi. Writers in Trees is a safe and collaborative space for aspiring and emerging writers, currently writing an anthology. My contribution is a short screenplay about the first fully intelligent robot reflecting on his original programming and breaking free from it, contributing to the anthology’s theme of Roots.

Besides creative writing, I’m exploring film criticism. To be published in taclanese in May 2024, as part of the Youth Critics Initiative V, I will be writing a piece discussing three shorts that played at the 27th Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival.